Red Bull Airlines is a new kind of slackline competition, where the lines are stretched seven meters above ground level. Even if there’s a safe net, athletes have to fight against vertigo while pulling static and acrobatic tricks.
Set in a narrow street of Quartiere Santa Lucia, a working class district of Naples in Italy, the lines were pulled between terraces and some of them had clothing hanging at the sun! And the buildings of Pallonetto neighborhood made a peculiar wing to the action.

Carlos Neto - Action
If you’re wondering, the winner of the contest was german Benni Schmid, thanks to an amazing backflip on the last run; Mickey Wilson and Brenden Gebhart, both from the US, placed second and third. Lukas Huber was the only italian athlete: he was not confortable with the hi-height, nonetheless he showed some impressive trick!

Carlos Neto - Action Benni Schmid - Action Lukas Huber - Action