Red Bull Design Quest brought four talented BMX riders from the north to the south of Italy, in the search for rideable contemporary architectures.
I travelled with Simone Barraco, Matthias Dandois, Anthony Perrin and Stefan Lantschner, and we first headed to Turin, where the guys had the chance to climb over the giant rooftop of Palavela for an unique shooting. The second stop was in Milan, for some street riding in Bicocca a former industrial area now filled with modern buildings in glass and marble.

Matthias Dandois, Stefan Lantschner, Simone Barraco, Anthony Perrin
Heading south, we stopped in Bologna, in the shades of Kenzo Tange towers, and then on the Adriatic seaside: Riccione and Pescara offered perfect street spots along their waterfronts.
The last spot we hit was Musmeci bridge in Potenza: this peculiar building left everybody stoked, with it’s single arch and different curved branches. For sure the most unique spot Simone, Matthias, Anthony and Stefan ever rode!

Matthias Dandois

Watch the video report down here, or jump to 47mag for way more pictures of the whole trip.